Why Are Most Little Kids Afraid of Dentists?

As kids grow up and try to find their way out into the world, one of the scariest things for them to do is go to the dentist. However, it’s important to note that not all kids are inherently afraid of going to the Pediatric dentists . According to a paper published in Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal , dental anxiety can be found in five to twenty percent of the children’s population. There can be several reasons for dental anxiety. In the study mentioned above, the researchers tried to determine what psychosocial factors are connected with this fear in children. Authors reported that a lot of this anxiety could be traced back to the parents’ attitude towards dentistry, doctors, oral care, and children’s general understanding of dentistry. As kids grow up and try to find their way out into the world, one of the scariest things for them to do is go to the dentist. However, it’s important to note that not all kids are inherently afraid of going to the dentist. Acc...